"Bayere ammo a, yennunu no aba ne sibere so."
"If the yam does not grow well we should not blame it, it is due to the soil."
Among the values stressed in African culture is the inculcation of morals in the home. It is understood that the moral training and the examples provided in the home is reflected in the quality of the people that home produces. In traditional African society it would be presumed that if a person makes a failure of his life, their background and upbringing would be the primary cause.
The family members and the values they reinforced in their children are considered responsible for the deeds and character of the individual. Whatever they do in life is a reflection on the family that raised them. In contemporary society it becomes even more crucial for families to guard the moral integrity of their household, because we realize that the degree of moral decay in the larger society influences us all, especially to the detriment of our children's growth and development.
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